I’m the author of the upcoming book series Navy Moms: Standing Strong for Our Sailors. As the mother of a U.S. Navy Sailor, I understand the roller coaster of emotions we go through from boot camp to deployment and beyond. It’s challenging but worth every minute, and the good news is you don’t have to go it alone.

Navy moms are strong and we can stand stronger together as we support our Sailors during their military career. My books talk about how to get through those first few terrifying weeks as a new Navy mom, ways to build relationships with our children during their new journey as a Sailor, and a host of other topics near and dear to a Navy mom’s heart.

Navy mothers who are divorced, estranged, or unpartnered from their Sailor’s parent face a unique set of challenges when their child joins the Navy. I’ve been there and that’s why one of my upcoming books is written specifically for divorced or repartnered Navy moms.

I write under a pseudonym and changed my son’s name to protect the identity of my Sailor and his specific deployment activities (OPSEC, y’all!).