When a Sailor Calls

I think most Navy moms would agree that the day your Sailor comes home on leave is one of the best days in the world. What’s the second best?

A phone call from your Sailor.

My son is currently deployed and I didn’t expect to hear from him until he returned so I almost missed the call!

You’d think that when Caller ID displayed “Unknown” on my phone screen I would have snatched it up immediately, but I was distracted by my writing and shrugged it off as a telemarketer.

Within minutes I got another call from an unknown number and my brain suddenly kicked in. When I answered and heard Aaron’s voice I nearly passed out!

We had a wonderful 20 minute talk that flew by much too quickly. When we finally had to hang up, I was surprised I didn’t burst into tears. I was just so happy to hear his voice that I practically glided around the house for the next several hours.

I have no idea when I’ll hear from Aaron next. It could be days, weeks, or months. Those 20 minutes will have to hold me until the next time I get a call from an unknown number.

You’d better believe I’ll grab that phone before the end of the first ring.